Green Energy in Catalonia

L'ENERGÈTICA is a state-owned company dedicated to producing and supplying renewable energy. Its work focuses on promoting clean energy production, building Catalonia's energy sovereignty, ensuring balanced service delivery across the country and contributing to energy social justice.

Our Principles

Clean Energy

L'ENERGÈTICA was created to accelerate the energy transition in Catalonia and ensure that the transition is carried out with respect for the territory. It is involved in all sorts of activities, works, and services related to electric energy from renewable sources.
Fossil fuel resources are finite and polluting. They cannot be an option for the future given the present context of climate emergency. L’ENERGÈTICA contributes to sustainability and environmental protection by generating and supplying clean energy from solar, wind and hydraulic sources.
Catalonia must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. L’ENERGÈTICA will contribute to this goal by generating clean energy for the entire public sector of the country.

Clean Energy

Energy Sovereignty

Catalonia faces the challenge of moving towards energy self-sufficiency and the opportunity to end dependency on fossil fuel energy generated by other countries. L’ENERGÈTICA contributes to enabling our shift to consuming locally sourced clean energy from our own natural resources.
Our country also has the option to do away with energy obtained from nuclear power plants, which carry a significant risk. L’ENERGÈTICA can move past current nuclear energy by creating clean energy.
L’ENERGÈTICA will also work on energy storage and the development of new management models such as energy communities or energy aggregation. This should allow intervention in pricing and ensure that no one is left behind.

Energy Sovereignty

Balanced Service Delivery

Catalonia's new energy model must adapt to the different realities of the territory. With a comprehensive vision, L’ENERGÈTICA aims to work with all the municipalities in the country to deploy projects tailored to each environment and developed through dialogue and consensus. When locating new facilities, priority will be given to areas already subject to degradation or human-caused changes.
In a second phase of deployment, L’ENERGÈTICA will target local administrations as potential subscribers.

Balanced Service Delivery

Social Justice

With the surplus energy from the roofs of public buildings, L’ENERGÈTICA plans to supply electricity to vulnerable families living within a 2 km radius of the facility (the maximum allowed by law) without them having to give up their reduced rate.
Cost savings in energy for the public sector will benefit everyone. The resources currently allocated to paying the energy bills of administrative bodies can be used to improve the lives of citizens.

Social Justice

Who We Are

We are a team of dedicated professionals committed to the energy transition as a driving force in the fight against climate change. We are advocates for renewable energy and consensus-driven projects that combine sustainability with balanced service delivery. More than just another energy company, L’ENERGÈTICA aspires to be a catalyst for projects that contribute to decarbonising Catalonia's electricity sector.

Executive Team

Ferran Çivit i Martí

Daniel Pérez
Advisory Board

Advisory board

Mar Reguant

Albert Banal-Estañol
Enric R. Bartlett
Isabel Bassas
Cristina Corchero
Maria Crehuet
Marga Estorach
Pedro Fresco
Eduard Furró
Ana Garcia
Joan Herrera
Pau Juvillà
Francesc Mauri
Joana Mundó
Sara Gutiérrez
Elena Parpal
Albert Puigvert
Xavier Sabaté
Josep Carles Vicente
Carme García

Meet the Advisory Board

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